My Family

My Family

Monday, April 7, 2014

Conference Fun!

Saturday morning session I bought some crystal magic window markers. 
They were very fun and looked really cool when they crystallized

Saturday afternoon session we made mosaic pictures. 
A little advanced for the two littles but still kept them quiet for a little while.

Even Abby got bored with it and resorted to chaos.

Sunday they wiped down the windows and had some more fun.

I baked sugar cookies in between sessions.

March 12 - 28 2014

Happy Pi Day.
Chicken Pot Pie was already on the menu for the week so we had some fun with it.

These two fell asleep watching Book of Mormon Stories on my Kindle.

This girl ran for SBO.
It was a much bigger process than when I ran for office in Jr. High.
I stressed about it much more than she did.
She didn't let it get her down when she didn't make it.
She is amazing.

St. Patrick's Day Dinner Fail. 
Corned Beef and Cabbage.
Steve and Hayley were the only ones that liked it.
Abby was a pretty good sport.
Emily was disappointed that we didn't have Cream of Broccoli soup and wanted to know if I had a back up plan for dinner.
Nope. Enjoy your Green Jello, Salad and dinner rolls.

Sunshine and Sidewalk Chalk.

Helping with chores. 
They really can do more than you think. 
They just don't do it the way you would do it.

The two littles love when they have dishes.
The big girls think they are crazy.


Lindley was Star of the Week.

Spring Break. 
Steve took the day off and we went on a hike on Antelope Island

It was a beautiful day.

On the way there Lindley was so excited so screamed "Our Family is AWESOME"!

I loved the reflection of the mountains and clouds in the lake.
This picture does not do it justice.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Feb 10 - 28

This is my favorite heart hair do yet.

Hayley's All About Me Poster.
Lindley loved helping her fill it out.

New Beginnings. 
Abby is going to be a Beehive in May.
Janette really made the girls coming in to YW feel special.

More heart hair.

I helped put up this bullentin board for Lindley's teacher.
The little owls are made from toilet paper rolls.

My Valentine got me my favorites.
Daisies and Coke.

While I was helping in Kindergarten for Valentines Day Abby was graduating from STAR BASE.
She was chosen as a STAR STUDENT for showing promise in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

My little cuties before school.

The straw that broke the camels back.

I took these monkeys out of school for Wild Wednesday at the Hogle Zoo.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

February Fun

I love the DUPLO Creative Cakes and Ice Cream sets. 
Hayley makes me cupcakes and ice cream cones all day long.

Saw a new way to pick chores on pinterest. 
Made up my own Roll A Chore for my kiddos.
I have been very surprised at how well the little girls can do some of these chores.

Winter Olympics 2014
I found a recipe for a Russian Winter Salad and made it for Steve. There was no way I was getting the girls to try this one. It was actually really good. I will make it again with a few modifications. We also had Stew and bread for dinner for Opening Ceremony which I missed because I was working and the girls thought it was boring.

Took Emily to get new glasses. Steve was so happy she didn't go for the trendy "Nerd" glasses.  Emily is happy to be able to see again. I hope she keeps wearing these ones.

Sent the little girls outside to "shovel". They were very happy to be able to play outside in the clean air.

We went to the LEGO MOVIE with Auntie Leen. 
Everything is Awesome about that movie. 
Can't wait to bring it home.