My Family

My Family

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April 5 - 13

Abby made some fairy wings from the Lil Tike Stix.

I'm not sure who has more fun creating with them Lindley or Abby.

Hayley is our little Ice Cream Bandit. She gets into the ice cream all day long. I will find the stool by the freezer and know what I will find. I'm not sure why she has all the spoons.

Emily, Abby and I went to see Kandyce in Annie. She did such a great job. I realized that most days I am like Miss Hannigan just replace her booze with a Coke and that's me.

The girls love helping me reach things when I am baking.

Miss Hadlee was baptized on Saturday. Although the weather wasn't beautiful, it was a beautiful day.

Friday, April 5, 2013


Friday we did some egg-tails for Abby for school.

We had a bunny themed lunch.
Honey Bunny sandwich
Bunny droppings
Bunny crackers
Cadbury Carmel Egg

Saturday morning we colored eggs with Kool-Aid.
Each girl had a dozen eggs to color.

We gave Abby a Bunny Bun.

Hayley really wanted a egg-tail.

Easter Egg Hunt with the Poulsons.

The highlight was the silly string fight.

Uncle Dustin ran to the dollar store the day before Easter to buy more silly string.

Emily and I went to YW Conference with Amy, Kandyce, Kami and Grandma Rochelle. We had such a great time. These girls are growing up so fast.

Sunday morning. Candy, boiled eggs and Easter dresses. A trip to Colton's place. Overwhelming gratitude for a Savior who made it possible to be with my family FOREVER. I can't wait to see my Little Buddy again someday. Amazed everyday by my beautiful, smart and funny and sometimes very naughty girls.