My Family

My Family

Monday, May 20, 2013

Hunger Games Birthday Party

It was fun planning this Hunger Games party. Steve even helped out more than usual in the actual party set up. He always provides the muscle to move tables and chairs.

He hung my arrows for me above the banner.

He also helped me make the arrows to go on the cupcakes. They didn't turn out exactly like I envisioned but they were still pretty cute.

Sleep Syrup, Nightlock berries and Girl on Fire  candies.

Abby told me her friends mom had bought a cake that had her name on it and it was cool. I think she was hinting she wanted her name on her cake. Not the best job but she was happy.

As the guests arrived we added their names to the reaping jar. When we were ready to start we drew out 12 names.
District 1 - Grandpa Wayne
District 2- Gage
District 3 - Peyton
District 4 - Hadlee
District 5 - Tanner R.
District 6 - Abby
District 7 - Kami
District 8 - Uncle Dusty
District 9 - Hayley
District 10 - Tayler
District 11 - Stockten R
District 12 - Stockton B

Then we sent anyone who wanted to train to three different training sessions.

Emily was in charge of  spear throwing.
Our spears were pool noodles that were thrown through a hula hoop.

I was in charge of target practice that I found in the birthday section of Walmart.

Steve taught some knot tying. This was a big hit.
I had some super fun games to play if we could have had the party outside.
The last game was to survive the tracker jackers.
I made up cards with stickers for the number of tracker jacker stings.
Once you had 10 stings you were dead.
1st round there were 6 cards with 10 stickers and 6 cards with 6 stickers.
2nd round there were 3 cards with 4 stickers and 3 cards with 2 stickers.
3rd round 2 with 2 stickers and 1 with 1 sticker.

And the winner was Hayley.
The winner got to choose a bag of Girl on Fires or Nightlock berries (sour grapes).

Present time.

She was one happy girl with the gift she was certain her dad was getting her.


Father/Daughter time. Lindley informed me she wants to be a hunter girl.

Abby truly is "The Best Kind of Girl" as her friend Jake says. She is sweet and happy and funny. Abby still likes soft pants (elastic waist) and comfy shirts. She plays hard and loves to be outside. She still gives me hugs and kisses before she goes to bed. She is a good little softball player and likes to have fun. She loves LEGOs and likes to make stop motion animation movies with them. She made her dad so proud when she wanted a bow for her birthday (something mom would never buy her).