My Family

My Family

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tuesday June 28, 2011

Today Emily's team played in the Championship game.
The team they played against had played the game before.
Emily was disappointed she didn't get a good hit.
She had a really good one in warm ups.
The difference in the coaching styles was amazing.
The other team's coach put alot of pressure on his girls.
Our coach told the girls to not forget to have fun.
I've been very impressed with how our coach really focuses on the positive.
I really need to do that more with my girls.
They played really well and won the championship.
Steve took a picture with a different camera and it
 won't load onto the computer without the software
so here is the team photo.


Monday June 27, 2011

Abby had her last game in the tournament.
I was certain they were going to win.
The score was 4-0.
Then they went an extra inning.
The home team came back with a winning 5 points.
I got a little excited and came to the conclusion
it was good they lost it before I did.
I totally forgot to take a picture.
So here is the team photo.

Thursday June 30, 2011

The good thing about homemade ice cream in a bag
is working off part of the calories you are going to consume.

Shake, shake, shake...

Shake, shake, shake...

Shake your ice cream!

The ice cream was yummy.
We couldn't resist adding some candy toppings.

Wednesday June 29, 2011

I did a crazy thing.
I quit buying chips, fruit snacks, crackers and granola bars.
If my kids want a snack between meals they can have fruit or veggies.
I did this to try and break bad habits of snacking on junk.
It is a treat to go to school lunch because they serve chips and snacks with lunch.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sunday June 26, 2011

Today we celebrated my Grandpa Ward's 79th birthday.
As always the food was delicious and it was fun visiting with family.
I was jealous of all the shade in the backyard.
I need to plant me some trees.

Saturday June 25, 2011

Hayley hopped into Daddy's cowboy boots
when he got home from his ride.

Friday June 24, 2011

Emily and Abby went fishing with Grandma Shelley and Grandpa Wayne.
Grandma Rochelle watched Hayley and Lindy Lou while Steve and I went to see a movie.
Grandma was playing outside with the girls when we got back from the movie.
They were both asleep and in bed before nine. That doesn't happen very often.
If Hayley hadn't rolled off the bed they would've have both slept all night long.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Thursday June 23, 2011

Today was a very productive day.
I took down the crib and toddler bed.
Emily and Abby help me move the full size mattress upstairs.
Then we moved the round table upstairs.
Everybody needed to cool off in the pool.
We had the bubble machine going for fun.

Wednesday June 22, 2011

Abby's team won their first game tonight.
The are moving on in the tournament.
They were very excited to get their first win.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday June 21, 2011

Today we went to Radio Disney Days at the Gallivan Center.
Lindley really liked riding Trax.

The kids cooled off while we stood in line for face painting.

Grandpa tried to get a smile out of Kaylie.

The face painting was fabulous.
Tayler didn't want anything to do with it.

Lindley got a butterfly

Emily and her peace

Peyton rocked a U

Tanner Uof U and Hayley a ladybug

Stockton was the cutest lil tiger

Abby got a lizard

Got Milk?

The grandkids loved the strawberries Grandma Shelley brought
Then my camera died.
Before all the kids touched the snake and tortoise.
Played games and enjoyed ice cream.
What a fun way to spend the day with Grandma and Grandpa and our cousins.
When we got home we hurried and ate dinner and headed to watch Emily play ball.
Emily had an awesome hit and her team won 16 to 12.
Now we start tournament play.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday June 20, 2011

Today we went to the castle park.
Hayley fell and scraped her knee in the parking lot.
Emily tripped and landed on her belly.

Lindley bonked her head on the slide.

Abby took the skin off the top of her

The worst part was Dad was not here to fix them up.
They had to settle for Mom.
I don't have a lot of patience with the loud moaning and groaning.
I prefer they cry quietly, like me.

I'm sure it hurts pretty bad.
It sure doesn't look good.

Sunday June 19, 2011

We got to have kind of a lazy day.
If you don't count getting four girls ready for church on time.
After church we came home to the smells of roast in the crock pot.
Since we already visited with the Grandpa's we got to just hang out.
The weather didn't cooperate for pictures on Father's Day either.

10 things we love about our Dad
1. He's strong
2. He's fun
3. He never ceases to amaze
4.He's smart
5.  He gives us beatings
6. He's funny
7. He makes good pancakes
8. He is energetic
9. He's our fix-it-Dad
10. He is always there when we need him

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Saturday June 18, 2011

The last couple of years I have really enjoyed watching my girls play softball.
I have great memories of the ball park growing up.
It is something that I have always loved playing and watching.
I had soooo much fun playing with my family today.

Look at the beautiful mountains... Love them...

My Dad Doug got into the action.

My brother in law Dusten must have pitched for 3 hours straight.
I am gonna feel it in the morning because I am sure feeling it now.
I don't feel so bad because Emily and Abby were walking just like me.
What a great way to celebrate Father's Day with Grandpa Doug.
Thanks Mom for chasing after the babies so I could play.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday June 17, 2011

Today was a busy day.
I got up and went grocery shopping with Hayley.
Then I started mowing the lawn.
After I finished the front yard I made some sidewalk paint
and let the girls go to town in the front while I started on the back.
When I finished I was so hot we had to get some snow cones to cool off.
Followed by a dip in the pool of course.
Then it was time to head to Grandpa Brent's house to celebrate
Father's Day a little early because The Christensen's
are heading to CANADA tomorrow.
The longest 2 weeks of the summer according to my girls.

Love spending time with my Dad.
We always have so much fun and good food.

Thursday June 16, 2011

Today was Emily and Abby's last day of Horse Camp.
They got to show me some of the stuff they learned.

                                           They learned how to steer the horse and how to trot.

They learned all the parts of a bridle and saddle.
They learned how to groom a horse.

The first day they made shirts with a horse stencil
and whatever else they wanted on it.
Abby wore her shirt everyday.
They both had a great time and learned a lot.

Wednesday June 15, 2011

Hayley is getting pretty close to turning 2.
The tantrums have started.
Lucky me, I have 2 girls in this stage.
Please just let it be a stage.

Tuesday June 14, 2011

In search of gum.
Lindley has emptied my purse more than once looking for gum.
This is what I found her doing today.
"Lindy Lou what are you doing?''
"I'm getting some gum."
Of course Hayley wanted in on the action.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday June 13, 2011

Uncle Dustin wanted to spend his birthday at Lagoon.
He found 3 kids willing to sacrifice their day to be with him.
Tanner wanted to know why they weren't taking him
 somewhere for his birthday instead of the other way around.
We are so lucky to have such a fun Uncle.
Happy Birthday Dustin!

Sunday June 12, 2011

Church went a little smoother today.
Hayley walked in the door from church.
Everyone went their own ways.
I came out and found her like this.
She really likes the cool new floor.

We finished the Sunday off by celebrating
Kami's 10th birthday a couple days early.

Saturday June 11, 2011

Lindley went riding with Dad and Shellie today.
She is one sassy little mama.
Apparently she had a perma-grin the entire time.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday June 10, 2011

Today was a pretty low key day.
Emily wanted a lazy day.
We rented Gulliver's Travels.
I got to go shopping by myself,
Hayley was asleep and
Lindley went to play with a friend.
The girls got in the pool.
Here is the last of the bag of Popsicles
I purchased on Weds.

Thursday June 9 2011

I picked up a pool for the amount of money
it would cost for 1 trip to the pool.
The second I showed it to Emily it started to rain.
When it stopped raining the girls decided they wanted to swim.
The wind was blowing and it was a little chilly.
It didn't stop me when I was their age.

Lindley was the toughest of them all.
She kept wanting to swim some more.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wednesday June 8, 2011

Today Abby and I had Activity Days.
Abby made a really cute Fathers Day gift.
I finally got my hair cut.
We rushed to get Abby to her softball game.
2 minutes into the drive it started raining,
followed by lightning and thunder,
followed by a downpour.
Mon - Wed games have been cursed this year.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tuesday June 7, 2011

We decided to play with our cousins today.
I was going to take them somewhere fun like
Heritage Park, Dinosaur Park or Red Butte Gardens.
But they just wanted to come back to the house
and have a WATER FIGHT!
We played at the park for a little while.
Went to school lunch and headed home.
I gave them a couple things to work with.
Two storage totes, 5 water guns and six sponges.
This is how the water fight started...

This is what it turned into.
Splitting into teams.

Gage and Abby

Building forts.
Stealing the sponge.

Emily and Kami

I love these kids.
Give them a few props and they are good for the day.

Hayley Jo and Lindy Lou

Oh yeah, we also went for our first snow cone run.