My Family

My Family

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Conversation about Colton in the van

Lou- "Mom did Colton die?"
Me-"Yes Colton died."
Lou-"Cause he was doing not good stuff."
Me-"No, his heart wasn't working."
Lou-"But our hearts work right. Heavenly Father can fix him."
Me-"Yes He can."
Lou-"Does Heavenly Father have tools?"
Me-"I don't think Heavenly Father needs tools."
Lou-"A flashlight. He could use a flashlight to look in his mouth. No a stethascope to listen to his heart."
Lou-"How long is it going to take Heavenly Father to fix Colton?"
Me-"He's all better right now."
Lou-"Then why hasn't he come back to us?'
Me-"He will come back to us when Jesus comes to earth again."
Lou-"Colton's sad huh Mommy?"
Me-"Would you be sad if you lived with Heavenly Father and Jesus?"
Lou-"No. But he is sad because he missed his sisters."
Me-"Do you miss Colton? Are you still happy?"
Lou-"Ya. But where is he going to sleep when he comes back?"
Me-"We'll worry about that when he comes back."
Lou-"Ya Dad can make him a bed. Out of cardboard... or he can sleep with us or something."
Me-" Sounds good."

Lindley is the same age that Abby was when Colton died. I remember the endless conversations we had about Colton and what we needed to buy for Colton when he came back. It looks like I will be having a lot more conversations like that again. I am happy that Lindley and Hayley both think about and love Colton and look forward to having him with our family again.

January 18 - 22

Friday night Lindley started getting croup. So Saturday morning started at Instacare. I tried to get her to take it easy. As soon as she gets some medicine in her mind she is better and ready to play. Sunday she looked like she hadn't slept for a month or so and Hayley had a fever so Dad stayed home with the little girls and the rest of us went to church.

Monday No School! We made some valentine pillowcases. Lindley was excited to get to help.

Emily is always ready to craft with me.

Abby's said I Love Mustaches.

The finished projects.

Poor Jo is not feeling well.

Another attempt to keep Lou from running around. She is very good at making patterns. She made a bracelet and necklace. No pink because she was making a Go Utes one!

Tuesday the girls were out of school and we made Valentines Day shirts. I didn't take any pictures. The big girls played in the snow and the little girls begged to go out.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Steve had fun rabbit hunting on New Years Day while me and the girls went to the movie with the Poulson cousins and Grandma Shelley. Steve found himself a new hunting backpack at the gun show big enough to take Lindy Lou with him.

We have been busy building all kinds of fun stuff with Lindley's Lil Tike Stix.

Lindley has been busy at preschool.

Filling out her All About Me poster.

The finished project.

Emily and Abby have been helping Steve keep the snow shoveled off  the driveway and sidewalks.

Lindley helped the big girls while Steve was at work.

The girls built some snow hills in the front yard.

Hours and hours

of FUN!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years Eve Fun!

The girls have really enjoyed the countdown bags the last couple of years so we did it again. Nothing fancy just some brown paper bags and a Sharpie.

6:00 - Happy New Year Necklaces
Food - Lil Smokies and Chips and Chili Cheese Dip

7:00 - 2013 Glasses
Watched Lego Star Wars Movie

8:00 - Beads and Pipe Cleaners to make Tiaras.
Emily went to her friends house.

9:00 - Noisemakers

10:00 - Little Coin Purses (should have put some chocolate coins in them)
Abby is the only kid at home still awake.

11:00 - BROTHER BEAR movie
Abby stayed up to watch the whole thing.
Emily came home at 12:30 and we all went to bed.

Steve and Abby played Zombies all night.
Abby paused to open the hourly bags.
I cooked, read, and kept the crazies under control while wearing my comfy clothes.